Monday 1 June 2015

surabhi mudra

Surabhi Mudra

Surabhi mudra for rheumatoid arthritis

Friday 20 March 2015

Prithvi Mudra

Prithvi Mudra is also called the mudra of the earth.                                   

This mudra is very effective to increase earth element and decrease fire element in the body. Earth is the major component of bones, cartilages moleskin hair, nails, flesh, muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc 

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Shankh Mudra

           Shankh Mudra resembles Conch shell. Conch Shell is traditionally used in Hindu temples for worship. Conch Shell is blown to create pure sound vibrations.

Shankh is sounded in Hindu temples early in the morning as a udgosh sound to announce the opening the temple doors. In the similar way, this mudra let you to open doors of your inner temple (inner sense).

Shankh Mudra in a similar way helps those with speech and throat ailments. Shankh mudra helps by clearing the throat. It relieves stammering. It gives a quality to your speech by restoring the pitch and resonance.
If you are a practicing singer,

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Linga Mudra 

The Linga Mudra is so called because it increases body heat by focusing on the element of fire inside the body. The thumb represents the element fire. This fire is reinforced by performing the linga mudra

Thursday 25 September 2014

Apana mudra is a combination of the Aakash mudra - Prithvi mudra.

It is very effective in eliminating the waste materials and toxins deposited in the intestine.
As a result of this it purifies the body and mind which increase sativa qualities in the practitioner of  this Mudra.